Oct. 19, 23


These times can be disorienting, but in your spirit, you know that you are okay and still connected to Me, says the Lord. Be quiet and patient. You are not in the land of Oz, you are where you need to be, doing what you need to do at this time. Trust Me. 

Psalm 46:10-11 Relax and know that I am God! I shall be raised up high in the nations. I shall be raised up high in the earth. The LORD of the forces is with us; the God of Jacob is our shielder.

October 19, 2023. I see images of people standing before mirrors. The Lord says, stand before the mirror and look at yourself, not to brush your teeth or comb your hair – simply look at yourself. Say these things, I am beautiful, I am wonderful, I am marvelous, I am rich, I am healthy, I am free. Why do this? Because this is the way you are because of My Son’s sacrifice. Don’t cancel His work on the cross because of your inadequate feelings. Believe ONLY what I say about you! 

Ephesians 4:22-23  “then throw off your old evil nature—the old you that was a partner in your evil ways—rotten through and through, full of lust and shame. Now your attitudes and thoughts must all be constantly changing for the better. Yes, you must be a new and different person, holy and good. Clothe yourself with this new nature.” Robin Robinson Bohlin

October 19, 2023. Look to ME as your Shepherd. Follow ME and go where I go. I have chosen to anoint your head with oil even in the midst of your enemies where I have prepared a table of feasting for you. Allow that anointing of My sweet Spirit to run over your head that covers your thoughts as I minister MY peace over your mind. Let MY thoughts become your thoughts. Nothing shall dominate you but the peace that passes all your understanding! Shalom!

Psalm 23:5-6, “You prepared before me a table, right opposite the ones afflicting me. You anointed my head with oil and Your cup is intoxicating me as most excellent. And Your mercy pursues me all the days of my life; and my dwelling is in the house of the LORD for duration of days.” Budd Rodgers


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