September 29, 2023


Look to the horizon, and catch a vision of where you are going. Identify your I have opened a path before you that will enable you to maneuver through hindrances and difficulties that you have had to endure. You will be able to experience a new level of freedom that has been almost impossible to attain. You cannot do this on your own, but with My help and guidance you will break through, says the Lord. 

Psalm 25:2  O my God, upon You I have yielded. May I not be disgraced into the eon; nor let my enemies ridicule me!

September 29, 2023. The pain of losing a relationship is real. When you love deeply and are betrayed or abandoned, the sting can hurt. Do not let this do irreparable damage. Do not retreat into your shell as a turtle does for protection. You might be tempted not to get close to anyone again. This temptation comes from the devil. I want you to be an open lover of people. Don’t close yourself off – let Me comfort you.

Psalm 34:18 “The LORD is near to the ones being broken in heart; and the humble in spirit He shall deliver.”  Robin Robinson Bohlin

September 29, 2023. All you need is love, all you need is love, love is all you need. The Father wants you to know, all you need is HIS love. It’s time to step through HIS love door, He is holding it open for you to walk through. There is no fear in HIS love, because it’s a perfect kind of love. Yes, you are worthy to be loved by HIM. Even in your imperfections you are worthy to be loved by a perfect God!

Ephesians 3:14-19 “For this favor I bend my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of Whom every family in the heavens and upon earth is named, that He should give to you according to the riches of His glory, power to be fortified through His Spirit, in the inside man; for the Christ to dwell through the belief in your hearts, in love being rooted and founded; that you should be competent to perceive with all the holy ones, what is the width and length and depth and height; and to know the love of the Christ which exceeds knowledge, that you should be filled in all the fullness of God.” Pam Jackson


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