Sept. 24, 23

The Trumpet by Bill Burns:

Set things in order. Deal with unbelief, failures, disappointment and discouragement. Receive all that I have promised, says the Lord. I am equipping and preparing you for the new season. 

Ephesians 6:10 For the rest, my brothers, be empowered in the Lord and in the might of His strength!

Small Straws by Marsha Burns:

You will have opportunities to be more effective in My kingdom than you have ever been, but you must make good choices. Put Me first, live a life of belief, be honorable, have integrity and treat others with respect and dignity. Come to Me in the secret place of the Spirit and allow Me to transform you, says the Lord. 

Philippians 2:1-3 If then there be any comfort in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship of Spirit, if any feelings of compassion and pities, fulfill my joy! that you should be thinking the same, having the same love, unanimous, thinking one thing; nothing according to contention or self seeking-glory; but in humility, esteeming one another superior than oneselves.

Sept. 16, 23

If you are born again and faithful in destroying the devil’s work on earth, you will be allowed to administrate the Son’s restoration during the millennium. You must be faithful. If you are faithful, you will go with Him when He returns in the clouds and you will be rewarded for obeying His Words. That is His promise to you. He will reward the faithful.

The diligent will see Him with great joy and shouting and praise and thanksgiving and rejoicing as they see what they have always longed to see and hear what they have always longed to hear. For we are the bride and God has put in us the desire for the Groom.

When we see His face, we will be completely filled with His love. When we see His face, we will be completely filled with His joy. When we see His face, we will be completely filled with His peace. When we see His face, we will be completely filled with His life. When we see His face, we will be completely filled with His truth. When we see His face, we will be completely filled with His wisdom. When we see His face, we will be completely filled with His light.

When we see His face, we will be changed into His likeness.
We will be like Him when we see Him face to face.

“My Word overcomes the world.  My Word, Jesus, overcame the world.  My Word living in your heart will also overcome the world.  As you fill your hearts with My Word by saying it, you will walk in more and more victory over the things that have bothered you for years.”

Words to His Bride
Sept. 24, 23
The Father says:

“Jesus saw Himself resurrected before He ever went to the Cross.   He saw total victory in a situation that looked totally hopeless in man’s eyes.  That is because He refused to look at that situation though man’s eyes, but rather looked at it through My Eyes.  If you will fill your hearts with My Word, you too will begin to no longer see your trials through man’s eyes, but through Mine.  And what I see is My Infinite Faithfulness being displayed on behalf of those who trust in Me.  And I see victory in every trial before the battle has even begun.”

“One thing that you will begin to fully realize when you enter Heaven is just how loved you are. All doubt will vanish like the morning mist and the full sunlight of My Love will be very, very apparent to you, as it radiates through your entire being. You will instantly know My intense and fiery love for you. You will instantly know that you are FULLY accepted. The deepest peace you have ever known will flood your soul. It will be as if you have just woken up for the first time.

My dear, dear child.  YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WAIT FOR THE DAY YOU LEAVE YOUR PHYSICAL BODY for this to happen. That same light, the Light of My Love, that floods Heaven, is contained in My Written Word. As you SPEAK My Word into your heart, you speak more and more of the Light of My Love into your heart. The day begins to slowly dawn in your deepest being that you are INTENSELY LOVED AND ACCEPTED. The Light from My Face melts all fear away. My Spirit wants you to know you are dearly, dearly loved. As you allow Him to lead you to speak My Word into your heart, the door to the joys of Heaven begin to open to you even while you walk the earth. And people will see this. They will see your life as an open window into Heaven. And through your life, I will draw men to My Son, that they may be saved.”


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